I went back out and reopened the shutters! It could be! Not very clear how to get the droid to malfunction.

1 Synopsis 2 Walkthrough 3 Notes 4 Quest stages 5 Bugs Even though the Courier dealt with the issues the New California Republic had in Freeside, the Mojave is much bigger than that. I thought I noticed it, too, at some point but didn’t make the connection. Then go back outside and lure the gang-gang again. Oh no! The 1994 adventure game Beneath A Steel Sky was considered quite good (like 91% good), and to call it fondly remembered would be to mine giant … I can see the satellite but it will not come up on my hacking device.

If you get stuck at any point, you'll find all the information you need right here by location. He asks you to rescue him! I had to close the game down and reopen it before it would let me interact with the roundabout again. Wait until the robot is on top of the conveyor belt and then turn on the crusher again so he gets stuck in it. Learn everything you can from Leet and then head out. Beyond a Steel Sky Walkthrough 5 - Qdos puzzle, android explosions, defeating the council and finishing the game! If you own Broken Sword 5 on Steam, you get an extra 10% off. The satellite in the office refuses to come up on my hacking device! Dark Room - VWT. If you give the droid the private poem, everyone is so offended (boo!) Get RUNG on left side of walkway. So head to the floating safe on your right. On your way out, you can go left and climb up some stairs and then a ladder, but you won’t be able to complete the puzzle here, so you can skip it for now.

Then head a little further along and pull off the gas valve.
I’ve tied to lure him but where? Beyond's execution is a bit on the glitchy side, including graphics clipping, dodgy camera angles etc., but the game has had an initial patch since release which has fixed a lot of the more glaring issues. But use the crowbar to open the panel under the holographic display. This is part two of our walkthrough of Revolution Software's Beyond a Steel Sky, and it covers Graham Grundy's apartments and the entire museum section of the game. Escaping from his abductors, fleeing Continue Reading Talk to Alonso.